Timing Cover & Contact Breaker
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Parts contained
Timing cover late (70.8797) (70.4567) (71.7042) (70.9246)
in stock
part-no: 71.73182
Patent shield (60.1802)
in stock
part-no: 70.40163
Screw patent plate (60.2085) (D208-5) (600208-5) (60.0208)
quantity required: 3
in stock
part-no: 60.42554A (undersize)
T/c oil seal 02" undersize
in stock
part-no: 70.63874
Oil seal timing cover(2per) (76.0291) (40.3281)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.45685
Circlip crank oil seal/tc
in stock
part-no: 70.45696
plug timing cover
in stock
part-no: 70.26157
Copper washer 3/8" id (60.4561) (40.0159) (70.0159)
in stock
part-no: 70.13358
Dowel 5/16" (76.0217)
in stock
part-no: 57.09899
Screw 1 5/16" UH
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.36689 & 10 Allen Screw CSet
Socket Cap Allen screw set T650 1963-67 Stainless Steel
in stock
part-no: ACS-T110
Screw 1" UH
quantity required: 5
in stock
part-no: 70.320412
USE 99.0653
quantity required: 2
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 42537719
contact set 650 63-67 (03.3045) (DBS142) (54415803) (19.1684)
quantity required: 2
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 99.076320
advance/retard bolt (00.0350)
in stock
part-no: 70.545122
in stock
part-no: 06.109323
Pillar bolt
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.474724
WASHER (00.0039) (02.9984) (17904) (70.2351)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 60.239125
Points cover pre-Electronic (70.4571) (40.0684) (00.5178)
in stock
part-no: 70.873726
Points cover gasket (71.1423) (70.7882) (40.0688) (70.5049)
in stock
part-no: 71.146227
Serrated washer 3/16" (82.9172) (70.8165) (GS299) (29.3319) (18
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 60.425628
Bolt 2BA x 1/2" (82.4715) (54.9012) (21.6204) (02.1309)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.7354