Click on any parts highlighted red below to get more information or to add them to your shopping basket.
Parts contained
decal "Tiger 650"
decal TIGER 650 k
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 60.1918decal "Bonneville"
Transfer "Bonneville" white/gold
in stock
part-no: 60.06801
Tool box drsde 500/650
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 82.80422
SEAT T100 T120 to-71/T150 (83.2039) (82.9996) (82.9714) 82.9523
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 83.15733
seat cover 1967 all black k
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 82.74894
trim strip seat
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 60.06966
Buffer twinseat
in stock
part-no: 82.78357
Hinge twinseat front 650
in stock
part-no: 82.80268
Hinge twinseat rear
in stock
part-no: 82.78629
HEX. SCREW 1/4"UNF x 1/2" (NM26484)(06.0327)(06.8075)
quantity required: 4
in stock
part-no: 14.010110
Spring washer 1/4" (S26-2)(21.0648) (USE 60.2427)
quantity required: 4
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 60.425011
use 06.5623
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 60.037412
in stock
part-no: 06.572413
Seat bolt (82.6659)
in stock
part-no: 82.756014
Spring twinseat catch
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 82.422817
panel nut k
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 21.065318
Screw side panel (82.8044)
in stock
part-no: 83.135720
Rubber bush oil tk mtg (82.8046) (82.5673) (68.8367)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 82.6673