Electric Starter, Timing Cover & Gears
Click on any parts highlighted red below to get more information or to add them to your shopping basket.
Parts contained
5A (Gasket)
Gasket E-start
in stock
part-no: 71.73286
socket cap allen bolt 1/4 UNC x 5/8 unplated
quantity required: 2
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 14.70037
Socket Cap Allen screw 1/4UNC x 1"
in stock
part-no: 14.70068
in stock
part-no: 14.70129
Socket Cap Allen screw 1/4UNC x 2 1/2"
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 14.701310
Pillar bolt ally ingcover (72.0027)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 71.740011
WASHER (00.0039) (02.9984) (17904) (70.2351)
quantity required: 4
in stock
part-no: 60.239112
reluctor cover (72.0026) (71.7238)
in stock
part-no: 71.715913
Points cover gasket (71.1423) (70.7882) (40.0688) (70.5049)
in stock
part-no: 71.146214
Bolt 2BA x 1/2" (82.4715) (54.9012) (21.6204) (02.1309)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.735415
Washer fork drain plug (97.2635) (68.5198)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 97.389316
Bolt 1/4UNF x 2"
out of stock
(contact us for an availability quote)
part-no: 14.020720
Socket Cap Allen screw 1/4UNC x 1"
quantity required: 3
in stock
part-no: 14.700621
Socket Cap Allen screw 1/4UNC x 1 1/4"
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 14.700722
Oil seal timing cover(2per) (76.0291) (40.3281)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 70.456823
Circlip crank oil seal/tc
in stock
part-no: 70.456927
Socket Cap Allen screw 5/16UNC x 1" (21.1907)
quantity required: 3
in stock
part-no: 14.702028
SPRING WASHER 5/16" (60.2428)
quantity required: 3
in stock
part-no: 00.019237
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 60.233038
NUT 5/16"UNF (PLAIN - THIN) 28681 (06.0651) ZINC PLATED
in stock
part-no: 14.040243
NUT 5/16" UNF (SELF-LOCK CLEVELOC) (06.2362) (02.4001)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 14.120245
SPRING WASHER 1/4" (00.0191)
quantity required: 2
in stock
part-no: 60.241747
Oil pressure switch Veglia (57.2133) straight
in stock
part-no: 60.3719